29 May 2024

Second largest construction site in Flanders begins: total transformation of R4 West and East in Ghent

Monday, May 27, all parties involved in the R4WO project gathered in Ghent for the official and festive launch of the works. The Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works, and the Flemish Minister of Finance and Budget, spoke alongside representatives from De Werkvennootschap, the BRAVO4 consortium, the city of Ghent, and the municipalities of Evergem and Wachtebeke. BRAVO4 is now starting preparatory work on and around the R4 West and East, the ring road around the Ghent section of the North Sea Port. In August 2025, actual construction will begin on the transformation of 22 intersections along the R4. According to the current schedule, the works will be completed by early 2031. The total project, with a construction cost of €726 million, focuses not only on cycling and road traffic but also on nature and landscape.

Together for a Safer Port Area

The new R4 will connect the environment, people, and nature. The project will make traffic on the R4 smoother and safer, while the surrounding neighborhoods will become quieter and more accessible. On the western side, the transformation involves the section of the R4 between the N9 in Wondelgem and the E34 in Zelzate. On the eastern side, it extends from the 'Eurosilo' junction in Oostakker to Wachtebeke. With this transformation, the Flemish government is investing in smoother and safer traffic, along with livable residential areas and safe, comfortable cycling paths.

This project represents a significant investment (construction cost of €726 million, excluding VAT) in livability around the R4. In the future, the number of access and exit ramps will be reduced, allowing motorized traffic to flow smoothly from Ghent-North to the port area without encountering level crossings. Thanks to new bridges, tunnels, and underpasses, local traffic can pass over or under the R4. This will lead to smoother traffic flow and fewer dangerous situations between road users. The connection between neighborhoods on both sides of the R4 will also become much safer.

The bridges and tunnels will form part of the public space for years to come. Therefore, a beautiful and functional design has been chosen to blend into the surroundings.

BRAVO4 Consortium Takes Charge

n the summer of 2021, the BRAVO4 consortium was selected as the preferred bidder. The consortium consists of BESIX, I4B - The Belgian Infrastructure Fund, RID PPP (Rebel and Abrdn), and Stadsbader. They submitted the best value-for-money offer for executing the DBFM contract. The collaboration between De Werkvennootschap and the BRAVO4 consortium for the R4WO project was officially confirmed on May 7, 2024, with the 'contract close' and 'financial close.' This followed the Flemish government's approval of the agreement on March 22, 2024.

From now on, BRAVO4 will be responsible for the transformation of the R4 East and West, north of Ghent, through a DBFM model: the design (Design), construction (Build), financing (Finance), and maintenance for 30 years (Maintain) will be entrusted to BRAVO4 in an integrated manner.

BRAVO4's Response

BESIX, EPICo, I4B - The Belgian Infrastructure Fund, RID PPP (Rebel and Abrdn), and Stadsbader are proud to start this project together with De Werkvennootschap. R4WO stands for connection: by ensuring safe traffic, we connect neighborhoods, communities, people, and nature. As a consortium, we fully support this vision. The coming years will see intense work, but the result will be worth it: an R4 environment that is safer, more accessible, and more sustainable."