New Henneau bridge over Brussels ring road offically opened (Zaventem): the end of a successful one-stop-shop for BESIX and BESIX Infra

13 May 2024

On Wednesday 8 May 2024, the new Hector Henneau Avenue bridge over the Brussels Ring Road (R0) was officially opened in the presence of Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters. BESIX and BESIX Infra, commissioned by the Construction Company, replaced the very old and unsafe bridge with a new one that is twice as wide and strongly committed to the safety of cyclists, pedestrians and animals. The surrounding slip roads were also renewed. The work took three years and went entirely according to schedule.

A safe and smooth crossing for all road users, including animals

The renovation of the traffic complex at Henneau Avenue in Zaventem, Belgium by BESIX and BESIX Infra is part of the broader vision of De Werkvennootschap, the Flemish government organisation that supports complex mobility projects, to increase the livability in the area around the Brussels ring road. The new bridge is twice as wide and has a smooth road layout for all modes of transport. For example, there is a spacious cycle and footpath completely shielded from motorised traffic and a separate lane for public transport. The flow of cars is based on smart traffic lights.

On the other side of the cycle path is a green zone that also allows animals to cross the ring road more safely. Thanks to the stump wall (a chain of tree trunks), animals have the necessary cover during their crossing. Once over the bridge, they can go under the ramps thanks to lots of eco-tunnels.

Finally, the project also promotes better harmony between the ring road and the adjacent nature. Fragmented green areas have been connected and made accessible to local residents and workers thanks to the bridge.

"I am proud that we have realised this new, safe bridge and would like to thank our client The Working Company for its trust. Thanks to the alternative, optimised solution we presented to the client already in the tender phase, we were able to minimise traffic disruption. I would also like to thank our colleagues at BESIX Infra for the close cooperation, which went smoothly thanks to very good coordination and communication." - Christoph Klingeleers, BESIX project manager.

Optimisation and one-stop shopping

To minimise traffic disruption, the project was divided into several phases. In the tendering phase, BESIX and BESIX Infra proposed an alternative, optimised solution to the client, limiting the number of interruptions and the length even more than in the original planning. In the end, traffic throughout the project was only interrupted on three occasions for a limited period of time.

 Due to the many phases and the importance of good traffic flow, very good coordination between the civil works and the road works was required. The one-stop-shop with BESIX and BESIX Infra, providing integrated solutions for both aspects, proved its worth in this respect. Thanks to the joint efforts and close cooperation of both parties, the project was completed fully on schedule.

"The construction of new slip roads along the busy Brussels ring road in Zaventem was a challenge that required flawless coordination and cooperation. Our team demonstrated through concerted efforts and determination that this complex project could be completed successfully and on time, without interrupting traffic continuity. This success underlines our ability to deliver challenging infrastructure projects with excellence." - Tom Keysers, Chief Project Officer at BESIX Infra.

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